Connect to your
industrial potential

With TEEPTRAK, bet on IoT coupled with the Lean manufacturing philosophy so as to contribute to the operational excellence of your factories that will quickly help you gain an additional 5% to 20% of performance. All our systems are Made in France and have a lifetime guarantee.

A standardized performance measurement,
accessible anywhere in the world

TEEPTRAK offers a set of all-in-one, autonomous and external solutions for monitoring the performance of any production equipment, physical values or a set of manual tasks.

Each system is made up of a shutdown capture module, a shutdown cause input tablet and a monitoring website.

Plug & Play system

Installation in less than 1 hour

Competitive price

They trust us

We garantee a ROI
in less than six months

Calculate your return on investment.
Insure your capital.


This online training platform includes courses that will allow you to make the best use of our solutions. You can register for free, when you want and progress at your own pace.

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Erhalten Sie unsere Fallstudie zur Lebensmittelindustrie

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